Google Analytics - Part 2: Core Analysis Techniques
Understanding how to interpret and analyse your data will allow you to harness the power of Google Analytics to help inform important business decisions about your website and online strategy. Although Google Analytics provides you with terrific aggregate data that highlights trends and patterns in your website traffic, you need to be able to analyse this data so that you can hypothesise about the underlying causes and adjust your marketing strategy accordingly.
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Amazon launch fresh food delivery service in the UK
AmazonFresh - an online grocery delivery service operating in the US since 2007 - has finally made it's first step across the pond to the UK. Initially the service will only be available to 69 postcodes in London, but a phased rollout will see this grow to include other parts of the city in due course.
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VR: The Future of the Web?
Virtual Reality (VR) has huge potential to change the way we view and interact with the web and the world in general. Although VR experiences are still largely experimental, with headsets very much in their infancy, we can now begin to imagine how the impact of VR will shape the future. Imagine an ecommerce website that surrounds you - one that you could walk around much like being in a shop. Or a virtual library you could browse, pull a book off the shelf and read. These are the kind of exciting experiences we can expect VR to deliver one day along with much more.
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