Google Tries Again with a New Social Network
After the demise of Google+ earlier this year, it seems that the search giant is taking another stab at creating a social network. Named Shoelace, it has been designed to bring people in the same locality together by encouraging people to organise activities such as yoga in the park, or dog walking.
Google released an almost identical idea back in 2011 called Schemer, but this was closed down in 2014 after failing to take off. It seems Google are eager to try and make this type of localised networking platform a success again however.
Google say it's called Shoelace because the idea is to tie people together, like two shoelaces, with individual activities are called 'loops'. You can create an event or activity you are taking part in and invite your friends, and strangers who share the same interests as you can join in too. It will also show you events you might be interested in participating in. Shoelace is currently being trialled in New York City and is invite-only for now, but assuming these trials are successful, it could become available to everyone at some point in the future.