

The World Wide Web Turns 30

It's hard to imagine life without the use of the world wide web. It has just turned 30 years old, so we have looked into both its past and what kind of technological developments may play a role in its future.


Romy Chessells joins the team!

We’re delighted to welcome Romy to the design team at 360! Romy recently graduated from Reading University with a 1st class degree in Graphic Communication, and we've asked her a few questions to get to know her a bit better.


The Search Before the Search: What is Keyword Foraging?

What happens when you don't know the name of a product or service you're trying to find? It's actually a more common scenario than you may realise. In such instances, studies have shown that users often perform preliminary searches to discover the correct 'keywords' they're actually looking for.


How is the digital industry preparing for 5G rollout?

With 5G now available in most major cities and towns across the UK, its impact on the digital industry is starting to gather pace.


Google shakes the ad market with changes to cookies in Chrome

A halt to third-party cookies in Google's popular 'Chrome' browser has led to regulators investigating the change over a potential breach of antitrust laws.


The relationship between UX and SEO

The relationship between User Experience (UX) and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is becoming increasingly intertwined, with search engines like Google creating new metrics to actively measure how user-friendly websites are. As a result of this, SEO strategies need to evolve to incorporate the digital industry's growing recognition over the importance of putting users first.


Google Page Experience rolls out as AMP is axed

Google is making some changes to the way it ranks websites by promoting the need for websites to be more user-friendly. As part of this update, Google's Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project will also be phased out, disappearing from areas like Top Stories on the results page.


Apples new Mail Privacy Protection

Apple's shock announcement that they will be giving users an option to block invisible tracking pixels has taken the email marketing world by surprise. We look into how this could impact the data received from these pixels and why it's not all bad news.

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